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Blogging, podding, and the new moniker

So, clearly there's a gap in time (apparently, like 3+ damn years) between these recent posts and my last ones. Sadly, as I scrolled back through my last posts, I realized I didn't even finish a series I'd set upTsk tsk on me.

No other excuses, other than--well, life got crazy and busy and crazy busy. Honestly, I'm not really sure why I abruptly stopped blogging before. Maybe because I questioned my relevance or if anyone actually gave a damn. Questioned whether I was shouting into the abyss. Questioned if my voice actually mattered. Questioned my existence and identity. (I'm not fishing for reassurances here. I'm still the same person with the same perspective--read my shit or not; I know I have relevant things to say. And my friend/boss/mentor in badassery Jenn reminded me: I'm a public intellectual, so yes, what I say matters.)

In the intervening years, a LOT of shit has happened. Personally, professionally, nationally, and globally. The first is still mostly off the table here. I try not to mix my online life and personal life though obviously my personal opinions and perspectives shape and inform what I say here.

Professionally, I've had some experiences which helped shape what and how I express myself. These experiences also led to me developing my new moniker--Goddess Professor. I attended an amazing workshop (DMAC at The Ohio State University) some time back, wherein I learned the tools necessary to produce a podcast episode. Creating and publishing a podcast has been a goal of mine for awhile. It is still my goal to produce a podcast, but with a full time life firing on a million cylinders, I know I don't have time to truly commit. But what I can do is share that pod here on the blog (coming soon) and continue writing. So, in trying to do my pod thing, I knew I needed a new name. After much thinking and debating (thanks Sheena), the Goddess Professor was born because I'm trying to tap into my goddess powers and commune more with the Earth, and I'm a professor. I know a lot about a lot. Goddess Professor perfectly embodies that. I'm a jackie of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”

Nationally and globally: ooh, baby Gaia, where to start. SO MUCH SHIT! I won't dive into that here, but know that all of this will shape what I discuss in coming blogs.

So, there's a brief update. If you were following me before, thanks. Welcome back.
you're new here, welcome. Thanks. Enjoy the wild ride!

Take care of yourself.
Pay attention!
Be informed!
Take part!


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