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Showing posts from 2022

Thoughts on Hussey, racism, microaggressions, and age

" She's 83 " has been trending on Twitter and that's a damn shame. (As of this writing, Lady Hussey is still trending.) This relates to the racist, offensive encounter between Susan Hussey and Ngozi Fulani at an event hosted by the current Queen Consort Camilla, King Charles wife (former Duchess of Cornwall and former, former longtime side-piece). For too long, we've let age excuse shitty behavior--well, let me clarify, we've let age excuse shitty behavior from white people, even when they were WELL past an age at which they should've known better and even when we've allowed them to be called "kids" when they were in their 30s and 40s . I reject that and I call it bullshit. 1) because I have my own racist encounter as to why, and 2) no other race is allowed to use age as an excuse for being shitty or offensive. Years ago, while at a professional thing (I won't name what, but those who know me and were there know what.), a friend and I and...

Blackness, Indigeneity, and 5$ Indian?

It's also why they erase the ugly parts of their own histories--like 5$ Indians. In Fall 2020 (right before THE pandemic school year started), I attended a virtual session titled The Legacy of Historical Trauma: A Discussion of the Black and Native American Existence, Identity, and Moves Forward to Healing . It was SUCH an enriching, rewarding, spiritual experience for me. I listened to the panelists (most of whom are Black and Indigenous or were raised in Black/Indigenous households OR are raising Black-Indigenous relatives) speak of the intersecting identities and the double oppressions of being both Black and Indigenous and the acknowledgment of anti-Blackness handed down from our collective oppressors and often internalized and laterally expressed in Indigenous communities, really in both communities. The anti-Blackness being weaponized and stripped from Indigenous Peoples by the dominant culture, to the point that Black-Indigenous people would need to deny their Blackness in ...

Smith and Rock: The Intersection of WTF and Aw Hell Naw.

Although no one asked me and I'm sure no one will, I'm gonna share my 12 cents about Will Smith smacking Chris Rock. I'll be real honest... it's complicated. My thoughts and feelings are entangled. My feelings come from my multiple identity groups in these United States and on this planet with other fallible humans. As a fallible human who works hard to process her own emotions and unlearn the habit of hitting when angry, no, it's not cool that Smith hit Rock. But as an intersectional person who analyzes the shit outta everything, it ain’t so cut and dry.  As a fallible human who knows in general that one should not choose violence as a first response, but who also acknowledges that sometimes, just sometimes , choosing violence can be the answer, well, it's still complicated. As a fan of Smith and Rock, ugh, this is hella messy. (I know my fandom has nothing to do with this and honestly, it doesn't make me dislike either of them any less. It just makes shi...