In my life, I view it as my goal and life's mission to open people's eyes to things around them, information they've been fed or led to believe, and in general, make people think for themselves . I seek not to make people think and feel as I believe, but simply to encourage them to think and know for themselves. I am a lover of knowledge. I don't profess to know everything, but the things I do know, I am sure of and sure that they are right for me and my life. As my son ages and my second child makes his way towards this world, I grapple with wanting to impart my version of wisdom, truth, faith, kindness, and love of knowledge and progressivism compared with simply wanting them to seek their own truths--even if they depart from mine. This is something I'm sure I'll battle for many years to come. Strong willed parents tend to produce strong willed children. Being a strong willed person herself, my mother raised me to be my own woman, to think independen...
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