We are all pretty familiar with Godwin’s Law by this point: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches. Well, I’m declaring a new law as a derivative of this one; I’m calling it the GP Law (GP for Goddess Professor, of course). It goes as such: As an online discussion that’s related to race (racism, race-based prejudices, or those perceived as such) grows longer, the likelihood of someone invoking a Dr. King quote from “I Have a Dream” speech increases. We see this shit all the time. I am SO tired of it. Annually, around Dr. King day, we see too many people trot out tired, trite quotes from that speech. Annually, just as many people ( myself included ), write about how ridiculous it is that Dr. King, his work, his legacy, his words are reduced and simplified down to a few quotes from one speech. These people are often, though not always, white. They are often, though not always, poorly educated on anything Dr. K...
I've learned a lot about a lot. Here I'll share my knowledge about the world as I see it--politics, news, babies, parenting, etc. with you. Enjoy--or not. Either way, welcome.