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Showing posts from November, 2015

Refugees, Internments, and History Lessons...

Today and tomorrow mark a week since the Lebanon and Paris attacks , respectively. Syrian refugees have been fleeing their homeland for the better part of four years now though many people just recently started paying attention to the Syrian Refugee Crisis , and now that they are  paying attention, the idiot ideas are flying. One of the most atrocious ideas to be proposed is that we round up the Syrians and put them away in internment camps like we did Japanese-Americans during WII. The letter essentially suggests that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had it right when we did that.  I suppose this mayor of Roanoke, VA doesn't quite understand that pretty much everyone views that decision to lock up American citizens who happened to look  like the same people who attacked Pearl Harbor as a reprehensible and overall bad idea. (Granted, the idea was supported at the time, but hindsight is 20/20.) I guess he missed that day in History class. I guess the mayor and othe...