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Showing posts from 2010

Blacks and Dems: Inextricably Linked?

I just posted the following in the comments section of an essay posted by Tim Wise. "Just because someone is democratically, liberally, and/or progressively minded does not mean they are historically and socially aware (and prepared to act for) of the struggles of people of color." I was thinking of this while driving down the street the other day.  My initial thought: just because someone is a Democrat, does that automatically mean they are down for the cause of  Blacks?  Not necessarily.  The two are not synonymous. I finally understand why people older than me have been yelling for years that Blacks give their support to Democrats way too easily--almost as if they don't even need to work for it.  Now, I'm by no means saying that we should run out and blindly support Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party, or anyone else.  In fact, we should never blindly support anything.  Make them work for it.  Make them prove that they are worthy ...

Something has to change

This was originally written a really long time ago.  I hesitated to publish it because I don't like to seem judgmental about people or things.   On the other hand, this is my blog and my thoughts... Only God can judge any of us.  I ran across this article while checking my email tonight (Dec. 2009) and I'm stunned, shocked and a bit flabbergasted. This article discusses surrogacy and its laws in this country. In light of Nadya Suleman and her octuplets and the many families and women going through this, I feel compelled to speak. The laws in this country concerning surrogacy, IVF and all other means of artificial insemination must change. An episode of Law and Order last season made me want to go out and rant about how the justice system of this country must evolve quicker and get with the times.  On this episode, there was a video taping of a crime that would have been perfect evidence for the prosecution because it clearly showed who the perpetr...

IMO or IMHO: Why?

Why to people feel the need to use the phrases "In my opinion," "In my honest opinion," or their lettered forms?  If you're spouting your beliefs and clearly not attributing what you're about to say to someone else, why is there a need to use the phrase?  Just state your idea! Using the phrases add fluff.  Why the fluff?  Do you need the fluff to make your ideas sound better or more important? This isn't a big deal and it really doesn't bother me.  Just one of those things that popped in my head randomly. Hmmmm...